The Most Surprising Podcasts for Solo Female Travelers

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While I’m traveling, I find that my cravings shift. Not for food ( I can never get bored of tacos in Mexico), but for what I listen to. I find myself turning to podcasts that are more casual conversation or Netflix shows that have people just hanging out- which isn’t what I normally lean on while at home.

clicks out of several pretentious BBC documentaries about Margaret Thatcher and moon landing conspiracies

I eventually realized it's because as a solo female traveler, I’m a little starved for people talking in my world view or my sense of humor. For me, the beauty of traveling on my own is that I get to meet a surplus of new people that I would never meet if I didn’t go out and find them. The universe has thrown me together with people who have contrasting thoughts, beliefs, ideas or conspiracies that completely flip my own.

I have had wild conversations about

  • how Albanian music is the best in the world ( told to me by a Tiranaian who didn’t blink during our conversation)

  • was told ghost stories in a Thai dive bar (about the hostel room NEXT TO MINE-WHO DOES THAT?!)

  • or how America is profiting off of drug lords in Latin America as I gazed over Lake Atitlan (I can’t really argue that one). 

I have been exposed to so much that I can feel my brain worked out the way my muscles are sore after doing 100 pound deadlifts( yes, bitches, I squat).

Which is why sometimes I need a break

Whether I am traveling solo or with someone: I need to spice it up in my noggin.

There needs to be a balance between everything new and my comfort interests. Because for me, I take up so many different interests that not everyone wants to jump from AI technology to China’s treatment of Muslim minorities ( we SEE YOU Xi Jinping!). It took me a while to realize that podcasts especially were a way for me to itch that creative conversation I wasn’t able to have with everyone around me. 

I find that I curl into certain forms of entertainment because I’m craving the casualness of my friends conversations: the banter, the wit, the sense of humor. Sometimes a good podcast or show can be a really good replacement. And I am a podcast addict. I LOVE podcasts ( so much so, I even made one myself ;) ).

The best podcast shows replicate a certain type of intimacy. A good podcast will make the listener feel as though the host is just talking to them, whispering these ideas in your ear for only you to hear.

Ignore the episode download numbers,

this one was just for you, baby.

It also gives you the option to be passive in the conversation. You don’t have to be painfully paying attention to every long winded detail your counterpart goes into, nor do you have to think of the perfect response.  

Nowadays everyone and their hamster has a podcast.

Listen to Pickles the hamster give a play-by-play on why walnuts are superior to almonds.

 Any topic you want you can download for (almost) free. 

I’m going to assume that you don’t need any more travel advice and won’t  recommending travel podcasts. Although if you need some travel inspiration on how to talk to strangers you can listen to all of my episodes here. End of shameless promotion. 

So instead, here is a diverse podcast list in nearly every genre (except sports and true crime- your adrenaline should be high enough when you’re traveling solo) to keep you entertained, stimulated, and comforted during your 16 hour bus through Peru.

This is MY list. No sponsors or plugs. Truly just my own delightful collection and mini podcast directory for long flights and endless buses.

These are all free, popular podcasts that you can download on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. They are in no particular order, just which ones came to mind.

If you don't want to get to a point where you are rocking back and forth in a bus and murmuring about how the FBI murdered JFK while everyone is avoiding making eye contact with you, turn to this epic podcast list for some quiet conversation. Let’s not be that person.

Podcast List

Adrien’s Podcast Directory

for any time, mood, or conversation.

Best Comedy Podcasts 

Two Dope Queens 

Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson are my comedy queenz. They have HI-LA-RI-OUS banter and have a great selection of diverse comics on their show.

Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me 

A wholesome NPR comedy game show with celebrate guests and popular comic contestants. The price is typically a man with a voice like a thunderstorm leaving you a voicemail.

Fake the Nation 

If the Daily Show had an Iranian grandmother in the body of a 30 year old woman, Negin Farsad would be that. She brings a lovely panel of adroit comics to discuss this weeks mayhem in the political world

Comedy, Bang Bang

If you and your best friend can yes, and all night long, take a listen to Comedy Bang Bang. Scott Ockerman brings on amazing improvers from around the country and plays out some wacky ideas. Neither you, nor they, know where the show will take them.

I’m Listening

If you are Frasier crazy like host Anita Flores is, you have come to the right podcast. Anita brings on a comedian and they gush about their favorite moments and themes in the Frasier universe ( I love the Ski Lodge episode).

Best History Podcasts 

Dan Carlton’s Hardcore History 

If you have a spare three hours to kill and want to really understand why WW1 was a thing, listen to Hardcore History. Dan Carlton’s telling and performance of history is captivating and will keep you listening for hours ( literally, these shows are god damn long BUT comprehensive).

Stuff You Missed in History Class 

Stuff You Missed in History Class goes through the forgotten, suppressed, and downright weird stories in history. Tracey and Holly do a deep dive on one topic from Catherine the Great to the history of BBQ. It is more informative than entertaining and sometimes feels like they are reading from a history book, but you learn a LOT.

In Our Time 

In Our Time is like SYMIHC but with British accents. If you know me well, I’m a god damn sucker for anyone who’s voice comes from the UK. This show explores the history of ideas, people, and events.

Best Science Podcasts 

Radio Lab

Where do I begin with this one. I have been a Radio Lab enthusiast for almost a decade and is one of the shows that inspired my podcast. Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich take wild and wonderful stories about science and string them together in a well-produced, musically captivating episode.


Freakanomics explores the underlying causes of events. Hosted by the economist, Steven Dubner, he analyzes specific economic concepts, like gender in Hollywood or America’s failing math curriculum and finds the social or ideological root of them.

Science Rules 

If you are a child of the 90s, just hearing Bill Nye’s voice is comforting. But he hosts a podcast that has guest panelists on to explore big scientific ideas into manageable pieces for us small town folk who don’t has none fancy education chews on tabacca.


Similar to Freakanomics, Invisiblia explores human actions and how it influences our believes, motives, and ideas that drive more of our behavior.

Star Talk 

If I could have one person read me bedtime stories, it would be Neil Degrass Tyson. He brings on a stellar selection of scientists to discuss up and coming discoveries in our galaxy and own backyard.

Best Personal Growth + Fitness 

The Model Health Show 

If you are looking for any inspiration to get fitter, live longer, or have a healthier brain, listen no further than the Model Health Show. Shawn Stevenson interviews the leaders in health, wellness, and longevity and provides his listeners with effective tools to start living their best lives.

Almost 30 

Almost 30 is hosted by Krista and Lindsay who exploring all of lives changes. They bring on a wide range of guests from wholistic foodies, life coaches, or astrologists. I’m a Millennial white woman. Let me indulge in my kind for an unjudged moment.

The Tim Ferris Show 

The Tim Ferris Show is here to help you hack your life. Tim brings on a wide range of celebrity guests and leaders in their field to help you manage your body, learning, and career and upgrade yourself to the next level.


Bodies is an exploration of the female form and all the mysteries within it. In each episode, Allison Behringer goes skin deep into the medical mysteries that women face, and how our health is often influenced by our gender, racism, and capitalistic incentives.

Best Philosophy Podcasts

The Alan Watts Podcast 

If you want some old school Buddhism told to you through a wonderfully British accent ( again I’m sorry, but if they are from the UK I will listen unending), Alan Watts is the man. He explains history of Buddhism and explains its philosophical interpretations.

Tara Brach Podcast

Tara Brach is a meditation teacher who gives her listeners practical mantras, tools, and techniques through the convoluted journey we call life.

Making Sense with Sam Harris 

Author, neuroscientist, and philosopher Sam Harris tries to untangle the interconnection between our minds, conciseness, and society.

Best Interview Podcasts 

Fresh Air

Terry Gross is my podcast rockstar. She interviews a wide breadth of influential people who are making their mark in movies, books, television, music, and beyond. Her buttery smooth voice and deep questions always has me begging for more. * When I saw her live, I didn’t know I would cry like the Beatles had just landed.*

Here’s the Thing 

I honestly listen to this podcast because of Alec Baldwin’s wolf like voice. I find that he interrupts sometimes, but I do love the wide variety of people he brings onto his show.

On Being 

Krista Tippett analyzes the intersection of spirituality, art, science, and connection with a wide variety of guests.

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations 

It’s Oprah. You’re always inspired. Nuff said.

The New Yorker Radio Hour 

The New Yorker Radio Hour brings the interviews, essays, and wit from the magazine to their audiences ears.

Best Food Podcasts 

The Splendid Table 

The Splendid Table is just as enchanting as it sounds. Each episode interviews chefs, journalists, and foodies from around the globe to help you explore your palate and find the perfect recipe for almost anything.

Good Food

Good Food is an LA based podcast about the food scene in LA. My favorite part is the market report where an anchor goes and interviews farmers at the Santa Monica Farmers Market.

The Sporkful 

Dan Pashman’s passion for humans behavior around food goes beyond the kitchen table. He explores all of the weird habits and crazy behavior we have around food and finds some savory stories along the way.

Culinaria Nacional

Culinaria Nacional is hosted by Mexico City native Ubish Yaren. He explores the never-ending but always delicious cuisine from his motherland. You can listen to the episode we did together here where he takes me to the BEST taco places in Mexico City ( I still dream of those tacos). He can be found in the first episode of Netflix Taco Chronicles as well!


Pubcast World Wide travels around the world in search of good booze. Chris Luecke interviews interesting people in every city he visits over local brews and national spirits. Chris and his guests discuss everything from the brewing process to human connection.

Best News + Politics Podcasts 

The Daily 

The Daily is the New York Times podcast which does a deep dive into one topic relevant to that day. Expect a lot of huh’s.

Democracy Now 

If you ever need to sober up quickly, Democracy Now does the trick. Amy Goodman gives an unbiased, stoic reading of the days top headlines that don’t always make it into CNN or FoxNew’s raider. It isn’t always the most uplifting but it is informative.

Pod Save America 
It’s like Fake the Nation but with a little less sarcasm. The former aids to Obama bring on politicians, journalists, and activists to discuss today’s political twists and turns. Sometimes a bit ranty.

Best Pop Culture Podcasts 

The Read 

Kid Fury and Crissle are the hilarious hosts for their weekly podcast covering hip-hop gossip and pop culture's buzzer tends.

Pop Culture Happy Hour

NPR’s podcast on everything relevant in pop culture: movies, books, music, television, etc. Mildly pretentious but always just good to relax to.

Best Intelligent Podcasts 

Intelligence Squared 

Intelligence Square is perfect for the debater who wants to pause the discussion to digest for a moment. Each episode brings two debaters on opposing teams over a topic, from modern feminism to the ISIS.

A Piece of Work with Abbi Jacobson 

Abbi Jacobson, queen of Broad City, brings the wonderful art and artists that fill MOMA to your ears.

A Way with Words

This one is for the word nerds out there.

LeVar Burton Reads

If you loved Reading Rainbow, you can keep listening as an adult with LeVar Burton’s voice as warm and smooth a hot chocolate.

TED Radio Hour 

The Ted Radio Hour links together TED Talks and analyzes them under a common theme. Often inspiring, always enlightening.

Best Love and Dating Podcasts 

Savage Lovecast 

Dan is as savage with his dating advice as his last name suggests. He aims to bring an all encompassing, sex-positive angle to his listeners and all of their dating + sex woes.

Modern Love 

Modern Love is based on the New York Times column, Celebrity guests read contributors real life experiences with love, dating, and finding connection.


Vanessa Valerio wanted to feel a little less lonely in the exploration of finding love. So she interviews friends and strangers on their love findings, dating mishaps, and close calls. She is now happily coupled up in Colorado. ( you can listen to my episode here where we explore my sexual passport ;) )

Best Storytelling Podcasts

The Memory Palace 

Short, mesmerizing pieces about a moment or person in history. Nate DiMeo is a masterful storyteller and will sometimes leave you in tears or hanging for more.

Snap Judgement 

Glen Washington not only has the voice of a smooth jazz musician, he also finds stories that transcend you. Each episode is themed and he finds some of the most unique, bizarre, and wild stories that you can’t believe are true.

This American Life 

The Godfather of podcasts, Ira Glass is somehow still finding some of the most amazing stories about Americans. TAL sets president for what great storytelling should be. Always entertaining and educational.

The Moth 

If you want to listen to stories of people like you, check out the Moth. They host live storytelling events around the country where any old Joe and his cousin can get on stage and share a story based around the theme of the night. If you’re lucky, you can win and get onto the podcast.


RISK! is the NC-17 version of the Moth. It is a live storytelling event where people tell stories that they never thought they would share. ( Here is MY RISK! Episode! Be sure to be sitting down for it). 

Heavy Weight 

Jonathan Gold takes you back to the moment everything changed. Each episode goes in-depth to one story and is laden with Gold’s shining sarcasm.

Family Ghosts 

Family Ghosts shares stories about those mysterious figures on your family tree. Host Sam Dingman selects storytellers who tell the family secrets that were meant to be kept that way.

Best Sociology + Psychology Podcasts

Death, Sex, and Money 

DSM has people on who talk about all the biggest topics we aren’t supposed to talk about ( I could reiterate the name again but that would be redundant). Anna Sale has a way of softening the blow of these taboo topics.

Code Switch

Code Switch breaks down, analyzes, and describes all topics under the wide race + identity umbrella.

Hidden Brain 

For the psychology nerds out there, Hidden Brain is for you. They take stories about how our brains function in our ever-increasing complex world.

Other Men Need Help

Other Men Need Help is an exploration of masculinity in todays world. Mark Pagán shares his own stories along with storytellers who unpack ridged masculinity in todays gender fluid society.

Best One Offs + Seasons 

Dolly Parton’s America 

Good golly Miss Dolly. This podcast really took me by surprise because I was never into Dolly Parton. But the people that brought you RadioLab do such a fantastic way of telling her story and the story of America through her in a way that is truly entrancing and unique.


The podcast series that even got my sisters to get into podcasts ( who I know haven’t even listened to my own…it’s fine…I’m not bitter). Serial takes one story and goes insanely deep into it. It is the same people that brought you This American Life.

What do you think of this combination of top podcasts and my personal favorites?

Do you listen to podcasts? 

What are your favorite podcasts to listen to? 

Leave a comment below and I would love to check out your favorites!

Adrien Behn